Below is the list of science careers, the main scientific fields under which there is immense variety of career options.
- Agriculture : Study related to production of foods and fibers.
- Anatomy : Dedicated to the study of human body.
- Astronomy : Dedicated to the science of celestial objects.
- Atmospheric Science : Study of atmosphere.
- Biochemistry : Dedicated to the study of chemical processes in living things.
- Biology : Study of the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living things.
- Biomedical Sciences : Study of life sciences.
- Biotechnology : Biology based technology used for agriculture, food and science.
- Botany/Plant Science : Study of plant structure, growth and functions.
- Business Development : Techniques developed to produce economic enterprise or enhance brand name.
- Cancer Research/Oncology : Study of prevention of cancer.
- Cell Biology : Dedicated to overall structure and function of cells.
- Chemistry : Science of composition, structure, and properties of matter
- Clinical Research : Clinical trials and research of new medical treatments.
- Computational Biology : Study of computer science.
- Computational Chemistry : Dedicated to the use of computers to solve chemical problems.
- Developmental Biology : Biology associated with the study of growth and development of human body.
- Drug Development : Study of developing new drugs.
- Drug Discovery : Dedicated to discovery of new drugs.
- Ecology : Study of distribution and abundance of living things.
- Engineering : Field of technology and invention.
- Evolutionary Biology : Biology associated with the origin of species.
- Faculty : Teachers or lecturers in various different schools or universities.
- Genetics : Science of heredity and variations in human body.
- Genomics : Dedicated to the study of organism’s entire genome.
- Gerontology/Ageing : Dedicated to research on ageing.
- Immunology : Biomedical science associated with the immune system.
- Informatics : Science of information.
- Nanotechnology : Science of building materials with atomic precision.
- Neuroscience : Science of the nervous system.
- Pharmacology : Dedicated to the action of drugs on human body.
- Veterinary Medicine : Study of medicines required for treating animal diseases.
- Virology : Dedicated to the study of biological viruses.
- Zoology : Dedicated to study of animals.